Мальчик-афроамериканец объяснил, почему не похож на своих родителей

Джессика Саттерфилд и ее муж не один год пытались завести детей. Но, к сожалению, все их попытки не увенчались успехом. Конечно же, они сильно переживали по этому поводу.

Но муж и жена нашли способ, как реализовать себя в качестве родителей. Они решили усыновить малышей из детского дома. Причем супруги Саттерфилд всегда мечтали о большой и шумной семье, где будет несколько детей. Поэтому из приюта они взяли не одного малыша.


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An entire week just being his wife. Before we left, Micah asked him why we had to go by ourselves and the kids couldn’t come too. Brandon said, “Because we love you so much. We want to keep growing our marriage so you know what it looks like to love.” ? Before we had kids we promised it would be something the Satterfield’s would always do. And I’m proud we’ve made trips alone a priority in our marriage, but also in the culture of our home. It’s important our kids watch us love. (Thanks to YaYa for keeping our babies safe while we’re gone.) Also doing trips with your best friends is even better. Cheers to dating this hottie all week, drinking margaritas every day, eating all the tacos, and talking about Jesus with the besties ALL WEEK LONG! ??? #gracewhilewewait #lifecrush #choosefun #contest

Публикация от Jessica Satterfield (@gracewhilewewait)

Сейчас они воспитывают троих приемных детей. Все три ребенка — афроамериканцы. Джессика признается, что это создает некоторые проблемы и недопонимание. Но в целом их семью принимают в обществе нормально.


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In Hebrews 4, God says His word is sharper than a two edged sword that pierces between bone and marrow. In TPT footnotes it says that the two edges of the sword are God’s Word and then our agreement with His word. There is massive power in our agreement. I had a moment last week in the middle of this revelation that our house right now just has the “bones.” We spent last weekend with family and dear friends writing Scripture and prophetic words into the “bones” of our new home. There’s something beautiful about knowing when the sheet rock is up, paint, and decorations are on the walls, underneath it all, in the very structure of our house, is the Word of God. I hope my kids remember that day forever. And always see us decreeing and agreeing, in every circumstance, the Word of God. #gracewhilewewait #thehouseofjoy

Публикация от Jessica Satterfield (@gracewhilewewait)


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We had a little family meeting this morning about the New Year. We talked about the sad things that happened this year and how happy we are that Zion got adopted. ❤️ We each shared a little of what we’d like to lean into this coming year. Most of it was “I want to learn to ride my scooter.” ? But there was some, “I want to practice hearing God’s voice for my friends.” We talked about how this year was pretty hard, but how we’re exited to step into a New Year full of new beginnings and the confident expectation of good. We’re full of hope. Not of what’s to come, but Who is inside of us. Selah prayed for our year and said, “Jesus, we have a whole new year to know You.” ? There’s so much stirring for 2020, but really all that matters are her words. I’m not sure of much, but I know I’m made to know Him. And we have a whole New Year to do just that. Happy New Year, sweet friends! We’re praying that this is the year you dive deep into Him heart, that you find places there you’ve never known. Thank you for journeying along with us. ❤️ #gracewhilewewait #theyearofbirthing #thehouseofjoy #novajoy #adoption Photo by my sweet sister @jleighmills

Публикация от Jessica Satterfield (@gracewhilewewait)

Но однажды у мальчика, которого усыновили Саттерфилд, на детской площадке кто-то из малышей спросил: “А почему ты не похож на маму и папу?” Вопрос был бесхитростный, потому что его задавал маленький ребенок.

Джессика напряглась, ведь этот вопрос был задан впервые. Но то, что ее приемный сын ответил, заставило ее прослезиться. Мальчик также бесхитростно ответил: “Не обязательно всем членам одной семьи выглядеть одинаково. Важно только то, что мы настоящая семья”.


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Hey Mama, I know you forgot the Christmas candy for the preschool caroling today. The field trip money is way past due for the fourth grader. And it’s birthday month for the middle one. There’s so many things to remember in December. Wear PJs on Polar Express Day. Don’t forget to bring a dish for the Christmas Parties. And don’t you dare forget to get sitters, so you can go to said Christmas Parties. The room mom needs money for the teacher’s presents and yeah, there’s still homework everyday. Your laundry is pilled up like a Christmas tree, but let’s be real, it’s like that in every season. The house needs to be cleaned, like really cleaned. So many things to take care of. Presents to buy. So many errands to run. Presents to wrap. So many list to keep up with. Not to mention the stuff going on inside of you. The worries if you are present enough. The wondering if you could have pointed them a little more to Him today? Sometimes feeling like your flopping at this motherhood gig. But you’re legit doing the best you can. Just a reminder that this season doesn’t run you and your identity isn’t found in whether or not you remembered or forgot the stupid candy. If it does, you’re missing the point of Christmas. Don’t get caught up in the parties or presents, lists or schedules. Don’t get caught up in the need to perform or look like you have it together. You know that’s not what makes you valuable. Simply being His, means you have all the approval you’ll ever need. Take a deep breath and breathe Him in, the Prince of Peace. Linger, stay there a while with Him, there’s really no hurry. Make room for Him. Don’t miss Him in this beautiful season in all the noise. And as far as the children are concerned, they are fed and mostly clothed (except the kid that refuses to wear underwear). They are happy, really happy. And boy, are they loved. They’re so loved, Mama. And whether or not you got those Christmas cards out this year doesn’t matter. Just know your Father is so stinking proud of you. Don’t be so hard on yourself. If no one has told you lately, Mama, you’re doing a great job! Tag a friend that needs to hear this. ? #gracewhilewewait #peace

Публикация от Jessica Satterfield (@gracewhilewewait)

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